2023/02/24 14:03

『 佐々木こけし工房 の アム 』
『 佐々木こけし工房 の アム 』
▶ エピソード
工房でいつものように相談をしていたときに、目の前のテーブルに乘ってきたなと思ったら、ちょこんとお座り、写真を撮ってとばかりに。(笑) もちろん可愛らしかったのでパチリ。
▶ 愛でスポットは、
▶ 作者が考えたことは、
Introducing the one and only Premium
"Amu at the Sasaki Kokeshi Kobo" (Shiroishi City, Miyagi Prefecture)
▶ Episode
When I went to Sasaki Kokeshi Studio for consultation, she sat at the table in front of me and seemed to ask me to take a picture of her. (laughs) Of course, she was cute, so I snapped.
▶ love spot
She looks like a kokeshi doll in the picture, so I designed her in a smaller size. Whoa! She also has a cat on her body. She's a Scottish Fold girl.
▶ What the author thought
I want to show the coat naturally by making the wood grain pattern look beautiful anyway.
I made two models, small and mini.
I'm thinking about exhibiting at the All Japan Kokeshi Competition in May.